Monday, January 6, 2014

The Reflection

As I reflect on the past year, I would like to share some things I have discovered:

1) Many people are suffering from anguish, heartbreak, grief, fear, dejection or pain. Some more than others. 
2) It is these people that tend to be the most empathetic.
3) This must mean that anguish, heartbreak grief, fear, dejection and pain make us better and kinder people.
4) Keep living.
5) It gets better.
6) Everyone says "Next year will be better!" This makes no sense because years are only increments of time that don't change.  
7) For things to change in your life, you MUST do things that are uncomfortable. Look closely at yourself and your own faults. Adjust yourself, your choices and your life accordingly. The time to act is yours. How you make it is how you got it.  
8) Unfortunately, sometimes it doesn't matter how you make it. Shit happens.
9) In the midst of a shit storm, it is best to turn up the music and do your best shit dance in your most comfortable shit shoes. There is a bubble bath waiting when it subsides.
10) On New Year's Eve, my kids asked me to resolve to spend more time with them. 
11) Last night they told me to get out of their rooms when I tried to spend time with them.
12) Sometimes resolutions don't last long because we are not ready.
13) My kids have named the baby in my tummy "Billy." They insist that it cannot be short for William or anything fancy. Just "Billy."
14) I am not pregnant. My kids are not funny. My New Year's Resolution is now to lose weight... when I am ready.
15) My favorite exercise is skipping! It is impossible to skip without smiling. Try it. I dare you. 
16) Every time I try something new, my life changes. You CAN teach old dogs new tricks!
17) At my age, I wear only comfortable shoes.  I don't care if they are ugly.
18) If you have personality and a padded bra, nobody will notice your ugly shoes. 

I wish you all a new year filled with home-cooked meals, someone to cuddle (furry or not), the feeling of possibility or adventure on the horizon, music to accompany you, the smell of cookies fresh out of the oven, and the ability to look at the sky with wonder.  This is your year.  It is time....

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