Friday, May 17, 2013

The Limerick

I think if I start conversations with "There once was a man from Nantucket..." there will be a man one day who will respond with 4 additional lines in an AABBA rhyming pattern.  He will either be my soul mate or padded cell mate.

Sometimes I talk too much.  I just have alot to say and in no specific order.

I wish I was more a combination of Gloria Steinem and the hot slutty blonde on Desperate Housewives than a combination of Dr. Seuss and the guy on The Wiggles who always falls asleep. 

There has only been one man who could follow my conversations.  Even when I was on Starbucks.  And Vodka.  I miss him.  People tend to cut me off when I get too wordy or A.D.D.-y.  Some even tell me to "get to point."  Like my ex husband.  He had only a seven word limit before every thing I said sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher to him.  I could up it to about eighteen words if I spoke with my top off.  My teenagers have about a seven word limit too.  I could up it to about eighteen words if I start my sentence with "Here's $20..."  My seven year old thinks I'm interesting and hilarious.  Sadly, I know it's just another awkward phase. I really can't complain.  I have great friends and family. They are very patient souls who will listen to me for hours no matter what I say. 

...and everyone else can just suck it.

The Change

Headline today reads "Rocker has Sex Change to Become a Woman."

Dear Tom aka Laura (New Woman),

Enjoy urinating every time you sneeze, crying when you're happy, crying when you're sad, having to wear a sports bra to jog, experiencing 12 emotions all in a row, black men wanting sandwiches, making less money, not being called a baller if you have a one night stand, waxing, waxing everything, mean girls, being objectified if your pretty, being oppressed if you are not, spanx, yeast, nobody high fiving you when you fart in public, wearing shoes that hurt and never being able to write your name in the snow again.  Ever.

Rachelle (Old Woman)