Friday, July 11, 2014

Black or White

Well, hello there! I haven't been writing much.  My book is on hold.  My blog's getting old.  I have been, instead, focusing my energy on other meaningful activities that truly make me a better person: contemplating world peace, followed by shopping and Netflix. 

The perfect combination of Season 8 of How I Met Your Mother, Season 3 of Scandal, coupled with active efforts to eliminate human malignancy then a trip to the mall propels me to the platform necessary for me to combat bigotry, hatred, and mean people in general in a single bound.  This is me, in bed, armed with a laptop and credit card debt, sending out a plea to all of you to be kind to one another.  

I have been exposed to many hateful and toxic people in my life. Men who feel superior, and women who feel inferior - acting out by trying to make others feel small, spraying the people around them like crazed tomcats so they feel big, and to avoid confronting their own inner conflict and emotions. Hate spreads like a virus from person to person.  Be aware of your words.  Be aware of how your choices affect others. Be harmless. Be careful what you put out in the world. Hate is contagious, and in groups, often deadly.

My middle child claims she only hates three things:  the emu, Stitch from "Lilo and Stitch" and dragonflies.  She is not sure why she hates emus, but when she was four, Stitch, at the Disney parade, pretended to pick his nose and flick a booger at her. It's time for her to get past that, but the dragonflies - they are everywhere and according to her, "They climb on top of each other, fly around attached, then land on me. They stare straight at me Mom, and I'm not stupid,  I know what they're doing!"  Fair enough.

Despite all of my efforts, however, to teach my kids to love all people equally, and to judge them by who they are in their hearts, I was not able to get through to my oldest child. She judges people by the color of their skin. And will only date black boys. Technically she's a racist if she never goes back, right? 

My youngest child emits a ton of pure love and joy into the world.  At our recent trip to Disney, she twirled around in her Elsa dress and exclaimed, "Look at me! I'm a damsel in this dress!" She declared constantly that, "ALL MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE!" The only thing she hates, really, are zombies.  Last night she dreamt that zombies had broken into our house and were trying to eat us.  I held her in my arms, stroked her hair gently, and reminded her that ALL HER DREAMS COME TRUE! That last sentence never happened.  I think it's time to stop writing.

As I move on to Orange is the New Black dear reader, I leave you with a suggestion to take the time to understand yourself, understand your aggression, and work through it until you are able to practice empathy.  If you cannot, talk to someone who can help you. Only then will you be able to understand those around you. You may be surprised to find that everything isn't black or white.  

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