Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The King

A couple years ago, Maya came home from Kindergarten excited to tell me that "Today I learned about our King!"

I explained to her that we live in the United States where we are ruled by democracy, rather than monarchy, and elect our leaders by voting. "You must have learned about the president, not the king." I said.

"No! You are not listening! I learned about our king!" she yelled as I obviously overspoke the 15 word limit my children allow me.

"Um... Prince Charles?" I tried.

"Did you not ever go to school?  I said THE KING! He was very famous."

"Oh Elvis!!!!  Hunka hunka burnin' love!" I sang, dancing around and feeling pretty proud of myself.

She ran into kitchen, frustrated and madder than a wet cat. "Forget it! You never listen! Just leave me alone!"

How do I always manage to aggravate my kids? Is it the sound of my voice? My lack of hipness?

As I knew better than to press any further, I quietly walked into the foyer and searched through her backpack where I found HIM. Our King!!!!

His picture still hangs on our wall to remind me to always choose love over hate, that we are all created equal, and that no matter what I say or do, I am bound to piss off my kids. 


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